Sunday, September 27, 2009

Redirecting to a Mobile Site Using PHP

In this day and age, a lot of people are browsing the web with their mobile devices. If any business wants to stay with the trend, they will have to have a mobile website, along with their regular site. Some companies or individuals may have the knowledge to design their own web pages, but may not be too familiar with PHP. Then alas, you have come to the right page.

I am going to show you a simple PHP function that will redirect your mobile viewers from your regular site to your (hopefully) low bandwidth intensive “Mobile Site”. With each generation of wireless networks, the providers are developing better coverage, wider coverage, and faster transfer speeds. Also with smart phones becoming more commonplace by the minute, the need for mobile sites will become less and less. Until the need is gone, the code I will show you in this article will come in handy. So let’s begin, and create the code to get your mobile viewers to the right place.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Directing Browser Redirection

I thought for my first article, I would write something helpful, useful and not easily available to find on the internet. While designing a website for KMH Kreations and I decided to use an Accordion Spry Widget on their Services page. I found that the widget drastically reduced the page length, keeping the end user from having to scroll through a long list of information.

So I built the widget, and clicked the “compatibility view” button located next to the URL bar in Internet Explorer 8, which was set to IE7 mode. The CSS elements that were supposed to remain hidden until called upon were visible, turning my spry into an overlapping mess. The technology was too new to display properly in a browser that was any older than the new versions available.

In the end I created an old style scrolling page called services.php, and named my widget page kmhkservices.php. All I needed was a redirect script to point new browsers to the user-friendly widget page, but to ignore older browsers and display services.php.

Seems easy right? I searched the internet trying to find a script that included all of the top 4 browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera), that would allow me to set the version, and would allow me to point each browser to its own compatible page if need be.

I bounced from forum to forum, then from blog to blog, and found a few sites that had scripts that could detect and redirect Internet Explorer, a few that could do the same with Firefox, but there wasn’t a master script around that would cover the top four browsers in one master include. Also, everybody was posting comments and displaying their scripts asking why they could not get their scripts to work for Opera.

After several hours of searching, I decided that if there was not a master script out there, that it was up to me to create a master script for the world to use.